Moving To Your New Home

You will begin to prepare for moving day prior to the closing. The date of possession will be in your sales contract. Make sure to coordinate the date and time of your move with the seller if the move falls on the same day.

No matter how many times you have moved, it is never easy. However, you can take certain organizational measures to ensure that your move is as smooth as possible.

Prior to moving, create a simple record-keeping system with a checklist and a schedule. Keep detailed records of your expenses—they may be tax deductible. The more prepared you are, the fewer surprises await you on moving day, so stay on schedule.

A short to-do list prior to the move might include:

  • Hire movers or rent a moving truck or van
  • Find storage
  • Get moving supplies
  • Make a home inventory of your possessions
  • Have a garage or yard sale, or donate unwanted items
  • Pack ahead of time
  • Safeguard valuables
  • Transfer utilities, cable and phone
  • Contact lawn service, cleaning and security companies as to date of service termination
  • Notify post office
  • Take care of change of address notifications for publications and correspondents
  • Obtain coverage for new homeowners insurance
  • Contact health care professionals, ask for referrals and obtain health records.
  • Register children at their new school and request transfer of records
  • Clean both homes
  • Dispose of trash and flammable items
  • Re-key doors

The Moving Day

Some simple steps will help to minimize your stress on moving day.

  • Develop a checklist and use it.
  • Have tools available to disassemble or detach furniture or appliances.
  • Set aside any boxes or items that you do not want moved.
  • If possible, move your valuables and breakables on your own.
  • Clear walkways, and if you live in a congested area, reserve a parking area for the moving truck.
  • Walk through each room as well as the yard prior to leaving to make sure that you have everything packed.
  • Review the moving company's paperwork prior to signing off on it.
  • Prepare an envelope with the mover's payment and tip, if applicable.